Thursday, January 1, 2015

'15 and Finding My Way

So this is it, the obligatory (kind of) New Year post. 2014 was pretty awesome. I mean, I graduated from college with a bachelor's degree, got my first post graduate job, and was able to finally commit myself more seriously to writing. In 2014 I was also able to catch up on Naruto, rekindling my love for anime as well as finally spend hours reading for pleasure! I said good-bye to a good friend who made her way back home to South Korea after spending a year in the U.S. as a foreign exchange student and have met a great friend and excellent conversation partner who sincerely wants me to improve my Japanese (without classes to attend, I sorely lack the practice. My awkwardly constructed sentences make up the majority of our conversations xD)

But now I'm left with the question: What are my goals for 2015? I'm not going to lie, since graduating, I've been kind of stumbling along in life. I really like my current job, but I'm struggling to figure out if it's something I want to do as a career or if I should continue to chase my original dream of working and living overseas. I think in 2014, I came to a compromise with myself - that I would keep my current job, but at the same time, apply for opportunities overseas. No opportunities actually came up, but I took the faithful leap of applying for a program to teach overseas in November. This month, I should learn if I made it past the first round.

So, 2015? Well, here's a general list of what has gone through my mind in terms of goals and/or resolutions, whichever you wish to call it :)

  • Read 200 Books! (In 2014, I read 103) 
  • Watch 7 new anime series
  • Take the N1 test at some point during the year
  • Get my driver's license 
  • Once the above is completed, buy a car. 
  • Exercise on a more regular basis
  • Update my blog at least 3 times a month
  • Write, write, write! The goals is to write something everyday, whatever it may be. Even if I end up drawing rather than actually writing. 
  • Apply to graduate school (if the overseas job doesn't work out...) 
  • Travel somewhere. Preferably, go to London, but anyplace works as long as you get a good vacation out of it :) 
  • Attend a play/opera/symphony performance. At least once. (I attended 2 in 2014 :D)
  • Learn more French! 
  • Dive back into my Tobira textbook for a while. 
That's it! Quite a few goals, but let's hope I can keep it up. Honestly, I'll be satisfied if I get half of these done xD I'll check in every 3 months and see how far I've gotten :D 

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