Monday, May 23, 2016

Book Review: Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo

You know when you finish a book and berate your friend for recommending it because it's the first book in a series and you have to wait FOREVER for the second book? Well, what started with Truthwitch, continued when Katsyxo recommend Six of Crows to me. I had no idea what I was getting into when I opened this book. Now I can't stop thinking about it because it was so freaking awesome! 

Kaz. Inej. Nina. Jesper. Wylan. Matthias. 

Each and every one of these characters (and criminals!) completely stole my heart. Six of Crows follows the story of Kaz and his gang of carefully chosen criminals who are about to take on an impossible job - break out a prized prisoner from the most fortified jail in Fjerda. 

There is so much to gush over - the world building, the character development, the awesome diversity in characters, the sarcastic jokes thrown left and right (I love characters that are sarcastic, I relate to them on a very personal level), and of course, all of the anticipation and action that comes with such an impossible heist. 

There is a lot of detail in this book and it can be difficult to keep straight at times (all of the other lands, the types of Grisha there are, etc.) but it was a very detailed and well-built world and I think a big reason for that is that it builds on the original Grisha trilogy that begins with Shadow and Bone. I have not read the original trilogy, but I do plan to very soon. Anyway, the heist, as well as all of the changes that occurred to the plan due to unforeseen events were well thought out and kept me on the edge of my seat. The amount of romance is just enough to keep you interested (Seriously Kaz, you're a heartbreaker!) and the changing viewpoints was an asset for this novel, as it allows the reader to gain important backstory on each character. 

Overall, Six of Crows was a book that I only put down because I had to (real-life obligations can suck
sometimes). There are so many quotable moments from the book, among my favorite being what the members of the Dregs (the gang that Kaz leads) say to each other when parting, one says "No mourners" and the other replies, "No funerals." There's also another part in the book that I found hilarious and for some reason could not stop laughing about: 

"We have one [tank]," Matthias said, then pointed at the horde of metal and smoke bearing down on them. "They have a lot more." 
"Yeah, but you know what they don't have?" Kaz asked as Jesper rotated the tank's giant gun. "A bridge." 

That quote up there is one of the many reasons I love Kaz Brekker and why he's my favorite character. You'll totally get it once you read it ;) 

Six of Crows completely sucked me into the world of the Dregs and now I'm going to try and wait patiently for the second book. In the meantime, I think I'll pick up Shadow and Bone and delve back into this world and maybe gain new insight on the events that occur in Six of Crows :)


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