Thursday, May 29, 2014

It Started With A Dream

It started with a dream.
A real, legitimate dream, the kind that creates images in your mind's eye, grasping at the edges of your imagination.
There were water spiders and three kids.
There was a dystopian world and so many unanswered questions.

It was a Sunday.
I woke up and immediately began getting ready for church.
I finished early, just so I could sit at my computer and start typing.
I didn't finish then of course, there was too much to write.
On the way there, I wrote everything down in a notepad and on the ride back, I completed it.
As I typed everything, more ideas popped into my head and the storyline expanded.


It continued as a spark of inspiration.
It was late at night, and I wanted to write. So, I started to write.
I thought I was writing a story based on my dream.
But when I finished the passage, new names had appeared.
Thinking it over the following days, I realized it was based on the dream.
I realized that the dream was just a moment, a part of something greater.
Characters began to form in my head.
Ideas rushed forward, words typed, and short dialogues created.
However, there are still many details to consider.

It started with a dream.
I thought the main characters were a boy and a girl.
Now, it seems to be a boy.
The story of a boy.
I hope it ends as a novel.

If it is completed, this is how it would start:
"Annabel screamed when she found the body floating in the water."

Join me on my journey as I seek out the meaning behind the water spider. 

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