Monday, June 9, 2014


Over the past few weeks, I have been able to develop a daily routine where I write something once a day. It's not always great, but I have been working on simply getting all the words in my mind out. I have also switched from typing my ideas on One Note, to writing them out longhand. I've realized that this helps my creative process. I seem to get more ideas when I'm not hitting the keys on my computer.

On that note, through internet browsing yesterday, I was able to find the following:

This is a preview of the soundtrack for the stage play "Lilium, Shoujo Junketsu Kageki", a Japanese play that is currently being performed. The reason I know of this play is tied to:
       1. My being a fan of the girls that perform in this play (they're from a girl group in Japan) and
       2. Having watched the play Stacy's earlier this year, a play which I struggled to like at first, but after the first 30 or so minutes, fell completely in love with. The members of this same girl group also took on major roles in Stacy's.

When I finished Stacy's, I searched desperately for the soundtrack, but to my disappointment, it was never released. However, Lilium's soundtrack has been released, although it's only available to individuals who attend the stage play. This means that I will likely never be able to buy a copy, unless, by some miracle, I find a copy for sale on E-bay. 

But putting that all aside for a minute, let's go back to why I'm sharing the video above. Although I have not yet seen the stage play, and although I understand only snippets of the lyrics since my Japanese is not very good, I loved this soundtrack. It stirs so many emotions within me and I find connecting many of the melodies to the characters I have created so far. In fact, I find myself picturing how well a certain melody or a vocal represents a character or event. If I could have these songs and name them as part of the official soundtrack of my creative process, I would. 

Of course, this soundtrack represents snippets of only a few songs which have fueled my creative process so far. However, I feel like these songs, more than any others, represent the emotions and atmosphere that I envision my novel will have. I can now only wish that I will actually be able to translate these emotions and atmosphere into my novel.

One final thought: why can't I own this soundtrack? :/

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