Monday, December 28, 2015

So, How Was 2015?

Back when 2015 was just getting started, I wrote a post about all of my resolutions for the upcoming year. I won't be making entirely new resolutions for 2016, more like I will be tacking on what I had for 2015 since I (of course) did not actually do everything I set out to do. But, it's ok. In this post, I will go through my resolutions and recreate them for 2016 as needed. :)

  • Read 200 books! 
I am just about to finish one more book and according to my Goodreads, that's 135 total. Eh, not exactly 200, but an improvement from 103 from last year. I'm going to aim for 150 for 2016. 
  • Watch 7 new anime series. 
I watched 2 (3 if you count Book of Circus). Oops. To be fair, I'm like 5 episodes away from finishing Sailor Moon Crystal. I don't know why I still haven't watched them but I probably should. I also watched about 130 or so Fairy Tail episodes. That is one loooonnnngg series. So, I'll count FT as 2 which means I watched about 5. I'm going to be more realistic this time. For 2016, I will watch 4 new anime series. 
  • Take the N1 test at some point during the year. 
Didn't happen. Unlikely to happen in 2016, but it's a good goal to have so I'm going to keep it there as is.
  • Get my driver's license 
I have a permit! Lolz. I just need to work on my parallel parking. Once I get that down (and winter is over), I'll take the road test and hopefully pass. Another good goal to have, so I'm going to keep it there. 
  • Once the above is completed, buy a car. 
A car is not essential to me at the moment. It would be nice to have once, but I don't think I need it quite so much. So, I'm just going to take this one off because, eh, I don't really need it as a resolution. It's something I will eventually need, but it's not a pressing need at the moment. 
  • Exercise on a more regular basis 
This one turned out alright. It's more like I exercise more, but not necessarily regularly. I'll try to keep that up in 2016, but it's less of a goal now since it's part of my weekly routine so yay for that :) 
  • Update my blog at least 3 times a month 
I would say I did really well with this one. I certainly updated more often. I don't see myself being able to do this in 2016 because school, but I will at least try to post at about the same rate. This blog is not high on my priorities though, so I'm not going to keep this one for 2016. 
  • Write, write write! 
I was doing pretty good at this until I started grad school. Did I write quite a bit? Yeah. Did I write everyday? No. Still a good goal to keep though. 
  • Apply to graduate school. 
Hey I did something!! :) 
  • Travel somewhere. 
My goal was to go to London but I did travel somewhere! Yay! I went to Los Angeles for a mini-vacation. Second fully accomplished goal! :D For 2016, the goal is to travel internationally. 
  • Attend a play/opera/symphony performance at least once. 
Yo!! I attended a "Sleepy Hollow" play back in October. 3rd fully accomplished goal!! Woot! I'm on a roll!!
  • Learn more French! 
And the streak ends. Nope didn't do this. At all.
  • Dive back into my Tobira textbook for a while. 
I did it for a tiny bit. And then nope. Another good goal to keep around. 

That's all! Wish me luck for 2016!! ;) And HAPPY NEW YEAR!! 

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